Whiteboard Topics: Selling a Beach Home? Know What Buyers Don’t Care About

If you’re selling your beach house, it’s important to know what buyers care about. However, it’s equally important to understand what they don’t care about as well. Glenn Phillips, CEO of Beach Homes Realty, covers what buyers don’t care about that sellers think they do:

  1. What Seller Paid: To the buyer, it doesn’t matter what the seller paid for the home. They may want to understand the history of the pricing, but they aren’t looking to match or exceed the original selling price.
  2. Listed Price of Nearby Homes for Sale: The homes for sale nearby haven’t sold. There isn’t a guarantee that they will sell for the price they’re currently listed at. In fact, if the seller believes the other homes were a far better price, they would go buy one of them.
  3. Seller’s Personal Effort: Buyers often don’t care as much about things the seller has added, such as patios, decks, or pools. Sellers tend to have emotional attachments to these additions. However, buyers may either not care or want to take them out. This means they don’t automatically put financial value into them.
  4. Outlier Sales at High Prices: Houses that sell at higher than average prices don’t always mean your house will go for the same price. There are many reasons why the house could’ve sold at that price. It doesn’t reflect the true nature of the market, however.
  5. Taking Low Offers Personally: Buyers don’t care if you’re personally offended by low offers. You shouldn’t care or take it personally, either. A low offer is better than no offer because it at least opens the floor to negotiations. Buyers may give you a low offer to test and see how serious you are about selling your house.

When you’re selling or thinking of selling your beach home, you need to know what the buyers don’t care about. It can help you to think like the buyer and not the seller. You can find thousands of beach homes for sale, as well as agents who can help you navigate the process, at beach-homes.com.

Chris Melton

Born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, I have a strong connection with the area. Graduating from the University of Alabama at Birmingham with a degree in Digital Marketing, I bring both experience and knowledge to the marketing workplace. At Lake Homes Realty/Beach Homes Realty, I use this knowledge and expertise as the Digital Marketing Coordinator.