Whiteboard Topics: Picking the Best Beach Real Estate Agent When Selling

Selecting the best real estate agent isn’t always a simple task. There are plenty of agents to choose from, and many can help you in different ways. A good place to start when choosing is to think of your goals and what you want from a real estate agent, as well as your house as a seller. Motivated sellers want to sell their homes for as much as the current market will support in a reasonable time frame. Glenn Phillips, CEO of Beach Homes Realty, gives three right and wrong questions to ask when looking for an agent.

  1. Wrong Questions:
    • Which agents have the most listings? Sometimes an abundance of listings is an indicator of success, but not always. An agent’s job is to sell the house, so having many listings could be a sign they aren’t equipped to sell houses on time.
    • Which agent do I really personally like? Getting along with your agent is important. However, it’s important to remember that liking your agent isn’t the only reason you chose them.
    • Do they have an office nearby? There are several cases where buyers of beach homes are coming from out of town or even states away. This means that when they come into town, they aren’t concerned with looking at an office. They will want to see the house instead.
  2. Better Questions:
    • Are all agents the same? Not every agent is the same as each other. Exclude under-equipped agents from consideration when selling.
    • Which agents are focused on beach real estate? Beach property presents nuances, regulations, and other stipulations not common to typical property. Because of this, choosing an agent who primarily focuses on beach property will be more effective.
    • Which agents can prove they have a pipeline of out-of-town buyers? Good beach agents can show you where buyers are coming from, even if they’re from out of state. They will also be able to market your home in those areas.

There are several questions to ask when selling your beach home. It’s important to ask the right questions and not the wrong ones when looking for a real estate agent. Visit beach-homes.com to find beach-focused agents equipped to sell your home.

Chris Melton

Born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, I have a strong connection with the area. Graduating from the University of Alabama at Birmingham with a degree in Digital Marketing, I bring both experience and knowledge to the marketing workplace. At Lake Homes Realty/Beach Homes Realty, I use this knowledge and expertise as the Digital Marketing Coordinator.