Whiteboard Topics: 5 Traits of Successful Beach Homes Expert Agents

As an agent in the beach real estate market, it can be difficult to produce long-term success in your business. Implementing these traits should not only help you buy and sell beach houses but also provide you with an advantage during negotiations. Glenn Phillips, CEO of Beach Homes Realty, reveals some secrets to success for beach home agents.

  1. Understand the Discretionary Property Sales Cycle: People who buy and sell beach homes don’t always have to move like they would for a primary residence in town. People may also come and go in the market because they don’t have to buy or sell a beach home.
  2. Systems to “Play the Long Game”: Expert agents use these systems to engage clients before they are ready to buy or sell a home. Expert agents find ways to engage with, provide service, and keep in touch with clients so the agent gains a better understanding of the market and is the expert at hand when the time comes.
  3. Focused on the Beach: Expert beach agents are hyper-focused on the beach market, and don’t point their clients to houses further in town. Beach property may have rules and regulations that are very different from other types of property.
  4. National Marketing to the Right Buyers: The right buyers may be looking in multiple different markets, coming from out of state, and may not be fixated on your beach only. Successful beach agents have systems in place to directly target this specific group of buyers nationally.
  5. Fill and Nurture Their Pipeline: Agents who want to succeed in the beach market understand that simply sending clients listings or hoping to hear back from listing services isn’t enough. The long sales cycle of beach real estate means it’s important to engage and nurture multiple clients at different stages along the pipeline. The client who buys a home may be someone who entered the pipeline a few years ago.

Having success as an agent focusing on beach homes comes with various challenges, but implementing these traits and strategies can help agents become more skilled experts in their markets. Connect with a realtor at beach-homes.com to talk with an expert agent in your beach market.

Chris Melton

Born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, I have a strong connection with the area. Graduating from the University of Alabama at Birmingham with a degree in Digital Marketing, I bring both experience and knowledge to the marketing workplace. At Lake Homes Realty/Beach Homes Realty, I use this knowledge and expertise as the Digital Marketing Coordinator.