Whiteboard Topics: 5 Reasons Your Dream Beach Home May Not Be Beachfront

Many people dream of having a beach home. However, you may not realize the beach property you’re dreaming of isn’t one that’s beachfront. Beach Homes Realty’s CEO, Glenn Phillips, shares 5 reasons why this might be the case. 

  1. Beach View: This may be the most important to some buyers. Being able to have relaxation time in the evening accompanied by a great view is something many buyers want. 
  2. Beach Access: Many people don’t have to live on the water, but they do like having access to the beach when they feel like going. 
  3. Bang for the $: Purchasing a beach home with views and beach access can actually be a lot cheaper than one that is beachfront. This can make a huge difference for many people. 
  4. Competition: The further you are from the water, the less competition there is. This ultimately makes the homes more affordable.
  5. Future Plans: You may not know what the future holds, so having a home that’s beach view or beach access provides more flexibility. 

If a beach view or beach access property sounds more like something you’re looking for, our agents at beach-homes.com are here to help you!

Zac Parnell

Alumnus of The University of Alabama at Birmingham with a degree in Digital Marketing. Currently a Social Media Specialist at Lake Homes Realty.