Oscar Gipson

Oscar Gipson

Hailing from Birmingham, Alabama, I bring a deep understanding of the local market and a passion for storytelling to my role as Communication Coordinator at Lake Homes Realty/Beach Homes Realty. My educational foundation in Public Relations, honed by the University of Alabama, prepared me to excel in this dynamic field. During my internship at Lake Homes Realty I gained invaluable experience crafting compelling narratives. Now, as Communication Coordinator, I leverage that experience to create thought-provoking articles that inspire our audience. I am also instrumental in developing press releases that effectively share our stories with a wider community.

Posts by Oscar Gipson

Bizarre Deep-Sea Creatures

Posted on in Beach Trivia

Explore the mysterious depths of the ocean, where creatures with extraordinary adaptations thrive in eternal darkness and extreme conditions. From bioluminescent lures to ultra-sensitive vision, the deep sea harbors a diverse array of fascinating marine life waiting to be discovered. …

Top Flowering Vines for Your Beach Home

Posted on in Gardening

Transform your beach home’s exterior into a captivating oasis by embracing the coastal vibe with these flowering vines: Imagine this: you step out onto your patio, the gentle sea breeze caresses your face, and vibrant flowers cascade down the trellis …